Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Physics Unit 1

In the beginning of Unit 1, we (re)learned about the differences between precision and accuracy. When going on the dictionary to look for the definitions of both words, their definitions had the opposite words in them, which didn't provide a very clear definition of what they meant. However, while they have a similar meaning, they have two aspects that separate one word from the other.
Accuracy is being close to a certain value, while precision is being close to a value consistently. To make things more understandable, look at the two pictures of the (badly drawn) dartboards. The main goal of playing darts is to hit the bullseye and get the most points, so if you are hitting the bullseye and the areas close around it, that is accuracy, because you are close to the target that you wanted. Precision, on the other hand, would be if you not necessarily hit the bullseye every time, but one area consistently.

Another big part of Unit 1 were the Pendulum Labs. Through them, we were able to categorize the relationships of the independent and dependent variables in the experiments using the graphs that we had learned about on the first day of class. I found that the labs helped a lot to show me how they actually did relate to what happened in real life, rather than them just being confusing graphs/math equations that I had to memorize.
(I didn't have any pictures of pendulums or the graphs, so I took this picture from the homepage... sorry)


  1. Those dartboards are really well drawn, Joy! Those were very clear in explaining the difference between accuracy and precision, and your verbal explanation was really helpful as well. I, too, thought the labs really helped me to understand pendulums and graphs.

    1. Why thank you, Caitlin (or should I call you Kat? :P) for complimenting my drawing skills, although they are lacking a bit. I'm glad that my explanations were helpful :D

  2. Those are very clearly drawn dartboards! I like your explanation for accuracy and precision, they were very clear and easy to understand and the pictures only added to it. You actually helped me understand them a lot better because I was still a little unsure with the difference between the two.

    1. Yay! I'm glad that I was able to help you better understand the differences between the two :D

  3. your extra picture provided more insight on the topic to go along with a good summary of the material in unit 1.

    1. Lol, I like how you didn't feel the need to capitalize anything... it's just 'cause you're so cool, isn't it? ;D Anywho, thank you for saying that I wrote a good summary :D

  4. I really like the way that you described the pendulum labs. Even though while I understood how this lab was helpful in understanding and making the different kinds of relationship graphs, this helped to remind me about independent and dependent variables and their role in our labs.

    1. Thank you for liking my description of the pendulum labs, and I'm glad that they were helpful to you in anyway :D
