Monday, June 17, 2013

Physics Unit 3

Picture of my brother's skateboard

Today, we conducted an experiment where people rode a skateboard and the "danger board" down a slanted surface. We measured their times in 5 meter intervals, in order to collect data on how fast they were going. When graphing the data, we saw that as the distance of the skateboarder and the amount of time increased, so did their speed. In other words, they accelerated.  Through this experiment, we gained a greater understanding of the rule that curved slopes of Distance vs. Time graphs give you the acceleration of the object. 

We also learned a few equations that can help us find distance, acceleration, velocity, etc. as long as we have all the other variables that need to be plugged in. These equations are:
d= 1/2at^2 + Vot (d, a, t)
V= Vo + at (v, a, t)
V^2 = Vo^2 + 2ad (v, a, d)
We also learned the steps to answering problems so that we'll be able to have a better understanding of what we are supposed to be finding and what we have to do to find it. The steps are:
1. Write down the problem
2. Write down what's given
3. Draw a sketch
4. Choose an equation
5. Plug and Chug
6. Box Answer
7. Check to see if it makes sense

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